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Copyright and general conditions

These conditions apply to all persons who visit the website of BrandLoyalty (Brand Loyalty International B.V. and all its subsidiaries and affiliated companies in all countries) and to all information and services that can be consulted on or via this Website. Please read these conditions carefully. When accessing and using this Website you agree to be bound to these conditions and all applicable laws and regulations within the jurisdiction from which you are accessing this Website. Please do not access or use this site if you do not agree to these conditions. We may change these conditions at any time. This will take immediate effect.

The information on this Website has been compiled with the greatest possible care. The information on this Website is general and does not contain any advice. BrandLoyalty does not and cannot guarantee that this information is complete, correct, up to date and free of typographical errors.

BrandLoyalty is not liable for loss or costs, of any nature whatsoever, arising from the use of this Website, such as loss caused by inaccuracy or incompleteness of information on the website, information that is out of date, any typographical errors, viruses or defective operation of this website.

Links to other websites that are not maintained by BrandLoyalty are included for information purposes only. BrandLoyalty is not responsible or liable for the content and operation of these websites.

Intellectual property
The information on this Website is intended for the reader's own personal information and use. All intellectual property rights in respect of this Website rest exclusively with BrandLoyalty. All text, images, brands, logo's, software or information in any other form are the exclusive property of BrandLoyalty.

Without the written permission of BrandLoyalty the users of this Website are not permitted to change, revise, publish, reproduce, duplicate, distribute or make available to third parties all or part of (the property on) this Website, or to create a link, hypertext link or deep link between this Website and another site.

Any personal data (for example, your name, address, telephone number or email address) you transmit to the Website by electronic mail or otherwise will be used by BrandLoyalty with the greatest possible care. Any other communication or material you transmit to the Website will be treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary.

Email and other transmissions will not be encrypted or otherwise secured. You guarantee that any information you provide in connection with your use of the Website is and shall remain true, accurate and complete. You agree that if any information you provide is false, inaccurate, obsolete or incomplete, we may terminate your use of the Website