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Triman unified recycling signage

Triman unified recycling signage

Since 01/01/2015, all those (producers, importers and distributors) that are placing recyclable products on the French market that are subject to a sorting system, are obliged to affix the Triman logo in accordance with the French Decree No. 2014-1577 of 23 December 2014 in order to inform the consumer about the need to recycle the product appropriately.

The Triman logo is applicable to various types of products, for example: packaging, paper products, apparel and textile products. Many of the products and/or packaging produced by BrandLoyalty are end-of-life products and should therefore be recycled properly by the consumer. In most cases, the Triman logo will be shown on the product. However, in case we have not been able to display this on the packaging or on the product itself, we hereby want to inform the consumers of the need of proper recycling of the goods.

For more information, please reach out to our quality department via this link