All organizations that received donations in money in 2022:
Stichting QUIET (Netherlands), Malayaka Haus & Freund (Germany), Baerenherz Stiftung (Germany) Polish Huminaritarian Act (Poland), Medicines for Ukraine, Bomb shelter in Ukraine, Little Lions (South Africa), School in Poland for Ukrain refugees (Poland), Sports clothes for Russian children (Russia), Bloom Mama (South Africa), Tree watering (Germany), Help for Gambian Floods (Gambia), Our Home Polish orphanage (Poland), Resto van Harte (Netherlands), Jeugdfonds sport en culuur (Netherlands), Red door shelter (Canada), Artsen zonder Grenzen (Netherlands), Voedseltuin Villanueva (Netherlands), Stichting Babyspullen (Netherlands), Spieren voor Spieren (Netherlands), Stichting Weeshuisjes (Netherlands).
All organizations that received donations of goods:
Stichting QUIET (Netherlands), Stichting Zorgenvreters (Netherlands), Stichting Transfarmers (Netherlands), Stichting Hulp voor Oekraïne (Netherlands), Stichting Voedselbank (Netherlands).